Friday, April 15, 2011

Potter Family Update

So, I need to start posting on my blog more often. It's a therapeutic thing, really, to write about life and thoughts, but it seems I've been so busy lately that blogging is the furthest thing from my mind. To catch up on everything, though, here's what's been going on in our lives:
  1. Baby Boy Potter is well on his way to joining our family! As of today, we have two months until his due date. Stephen and I are both excited, a little nervous, and wondering just how much this new little guy will change our lives. He's getting strong, and likes to stretch out into my ribs :-) But I love to feel him move; it lets me know he's okay.
  2. I just finished the Yearbook at work (well, technically my students finished it), which has taken a huge stress-load off. Now I'm working on getting my Sterling Scholars ready for competition this next Tuesday. Once that's over, I'll be able to surface for air and actually prepare for Baby Boy Potter.
  3. We're going to have a house built this summer. After four years of hard work and saving, we're ready to take the plunge. More on that to come as we begin the building process.
  4. I've decided to keep my teaching position (after I found out that I could get nearly 6 months maternity leave). I'll be working with a full-time substitute; she'll fill in for me until about March or so. Then, I'll teach for three months and be off for the summer. The decision felt right. Before we had done our research on different part-time and maternity leave options, I was having a hard time making a decision--amazing how powerful knowledge is in helping us make decisions. So, with my newfound knowledge and some time on our knees, the decision became much easier to make.
So, there you have it. I feel like I've fallen off the face of the planet with being so busy and all--really, I would love to spend more time with my friends and such, but right now we're trying to get this baby here safe and get through my teaching obligations. Looking forward to the summer off . . . and to our new little addition :-)